Before your Licence Agreement start date
If you would like to amend the start date of your summer application/booking please contact the Allocations Team at least 7 days before the start of your summer Licence Agreement or you may incur cancellation charges. If you wish to amend the dates of your contract you will need to submit a new application via the website (available from April) and also submit a cancellation request form stating the exact dates of stay that you wish to cancel. Payments for extra days of accommodation: Payments made for previous applications can be used towards your new application (subject to any outstanding charges on your account). If there is a difference in cost (e.g. an extra night) you will be required to make an additional payment before your new application can be processed. Students are advised to make any additional payments through the Brunel Income Office and provide a copy of their payment receipt to the Allocations Team by email. You may also be interested to in reading ‘How can I pay my summer accommodation fees?’. If you are requesting to reduce your stay any credit remaining on your account can be used towards future applications or can be refunded to you, please read ‘Can I move out of my room before the end of my summer vacation contract and what will I be charged?’. Please note refunds can only be requested after you have moved out from your accommodation and will only be processed providing there is no outstanding money on your University account.
After your Licence Agreement start date
If you are already on campus and would like to request to stay longer you would need to apply and pay for your new summer contract at least 7 days before the end of your current contract. It is important that you apply and pay for the maximum period you require. If you decide to apply in small blocks the Allocations Team is not able to guarantee continuous stay in the same room or that we will have availability when you make a future application. For more information please see: ‘Can I extend my contract?’ and ‘Can I move out of my room before the end of my summer vacation contract and what will I be charged?’.