Last Updated: Nov 23, 2022     Views: 479

No - You are not required to return your keys and you may leave your belongings in your room over these breaks. Undergraduate students are allocated until the end of term three. Postgraduate/Research students are allocated rooms until the end of the Summer Vacation. These allocations include the Christmas and Easter Vacations for which full accommodation fees are payable whether or not the student is in occupation. Rebates are not given to Residents who do not occupy their rooms during the Christmas and Easter breaks.

If you are going away for a long period of time (e.g. holiday, traveling etc) then you should notify your Student Living Reception. If you have not notified them and your room is found unoccupied for a long period of time you are at risk of your room being reallocated to another student if your Residence Manager is unable to contact you. The Residence Manager will make sufficient attempts to contact the student before reallocating the room/changing the locks.

Please note that if you return your keys to the Student Living Reception then your contract is automatically terminated and your room would be cleaned and offered to another student. Please read the following for more information: 'Can I move out of my room before the end of my contract and what will I be charged?'.

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