Last Updated: Feb 09, 2024     Views: 5290

If you have a term time contract then you will have agreed to a contract for the full period of your academic year. However, we understand this may cause some hardship for some students and therefore if a student wishes to terminate their term time Licence Agreement early, the University operates the following procedure.

Term time contracts (New and Returning student) 2024/25 session

In the Licence Agreement, Residents agree to take the Accommodation for the full Licence Period as stipulated on the Licence Agreement. If a Resident vacates the Accommodation before the end of the Licence Period and/or returns their keys/access cards to the Student Living Reception, the University will be entitled to claim accommodation fees for the whole Licence Period or until the Accommodation is re-let, whichever is the sooner, and a concessionary charge of £350 (£450 studio/ flats) to cover the Replacement Costs. Except where: the Resident vacated in the first 7 days of the start of the Licence Agreement. In such cases only a concessionary charge of £350 (£450 Studio/ Flats) to cover the Replacement Costs will be made by the University.

Campus vacancies will first be offered to students on the Allocation waiting list. It is likely that it will take at least a few weeks if not longer to clean the room and find a new licensee. However, for some accommodation no replacement may be found, if there is no suitable student replacement for the room. The replacement student for the vacant room will be selected from the Allocation waiting list by a member of the Student Living Team, who are responsible for offering the room to a suitable replacement.

For further information about vacating before the end of the contract, please refer to the Residences Rules and Regulations.

Summer vacation contracts

If you have a summer vacation contract please read the question 'Can I move out of my room before the end of my summer vacation contract and what will I be charged?'.

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