Yes, you are able to apply for a room prior to your offer becoming unconditional. Please note however you will not receive a room offer until your offer becomes unconditional
If you would like to apply for accommodation for contract periods 1 to 5 and you have already been issued with your Brunel ID number, you can complete our online application form.
Once you have completed this you will be contacted by email with further details of when to expect your Licence Agreement and when to pay your £350 (single room) accommodation deposit £450 (studio).
If you have not yet been issued with a Brunel ID number, please contact Brunel International by email. If you have any queries, please email the International Mobility Manager at Brunel University London.
Exchange students can also visit the Exchange & Study Abroad website for more information. We also offer accommodation on campus during the Summer Vacation period for more information please visit our Summer Vacation webpages.