Last Updated: Feb 09, 2024     Views: 449

Exchange students (e.g. Erasmus, Socrates and Study Abroad programme) can apply for one of the following contract period dates by completing the online application form: For contract periods please visit the International Student website.

Please note: If your course does not match these contract periods you must inform the Allocations Team in advance of accepting the Licence Agreement. Exchange contracts are for set periods and Licence Agreement start and end dates cannot be changed. Accommodation fees are payable for the full contract periods listed above.

For more information please visit our website and also, you may want to read What are the exact instalment dates and amounts?’. 

Exchange students applying for Contract 1, 2 or 3:

The University is able to offer campus accommodation to full-time Exchange students who come in blocks of not less than one term, who have completed the online application form and are made an unconditional firm offer with the University prior to 1 September 2024. Late applicants will be allocated subject to availability.

Exchange students applying for Contract 4 or 5:

Please be advised campus accommodation is limited and cannot be guaranteed for any students whose course commences after the session has started in September. Please read My course starts in January, will I get a room?’.

For more information please read How do I apply for a room?’.

Vacating  your room early:

Exchange students, who have a Term 1 contract and subsequently vacate their room early, will be liable for payment for the full contract period. Students who have contracts 2, 3, 4 and 5 please read What do I need to do if I want to vacate my room early, before the end of my contract?’.

Living off-campus:

For information about off-campus accommodation please readCan I live off campus?’. 

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