Last Updated: Nov 23, 2023     Views: 233

If you have applied for campus accommodation as a group and not all group members are allocated together then each missing group member will have been contacted individually regarding their allocation.

Most common reasons of why you might have not all been allocated together are:

  • your preferences did not match;
  • a group member had a specific requirement;
  • standard room flats/levels are a single gender accommodation;
  • some individuals might have requested to be removed from their group application.

Please note: The Allocations Team will always take your preferences into consideration and will try to offer your first choice preference. However this cannot always be guaranteed. Where we are unable to obtain your first choice we will offer you an alternative, subject to availability and the accommodation allocation policy.

You may also be interested to readIs it possible to change my allocation?andDo you place groups together?’.

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