Last Updated: Dec 09, 2022     Views: 1208

As well as speaking to your Student Living Office or Residences Manager about any problems you may be having in your Halls of Residence, you can also speak to the Residence Ambassadors. The Student Mentors are there to support and advise new students on university living and also help build a sense of community within the university. The Residence Ambassadors programme intends to ease students into their new surroundings and provide a friendly familiar face for those who may need further help or support from time to time. 

Residence Ambassadors are available for you to contact them from Monday to Thursday evenings between the hours of 5pm and 9pm. 

If you would like to add your details to the room exchange list please read 'How does a room exchange work?'.  

If you feel you need to talk to a professional counsellor at any point during your time at Brunel University London, please contact the Brunel Counselling Service .

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