Last Updated: Feb 09, 2024     Views: 2974

New students who have applied for accommodation, met the conditions of their course and are holding an Unconditional Firm offer from the University by 31 August 2024, you are guaranteed a room on campus. If any of these conditions are completed after the 31 August 2024 your application would be classed as late. Late applications will be placed on the waiting list and are allocated subject to availability. We do try to meet preferences of accommodation where possible, however this cannot always be guaranteed and you may be offered an alternative room.

Clearing applicants who hold an Unconditional Firm offer with Brunel University London and apply for accommodation by 31 August 2024 are guaranteed a campus room. Accommodation for Clearing applicants is allocated based on the date that both your room application and your unconditional offer are received by the Student Living Team. Please note: Clearing students who apply or hold an Unconditional firm offer after 31 August 2024 may have to wait until later for a campus room. For further information please read 'Can clearing students apply for a campus room?'.

Returning students that apply or pay a deposit after the deadline date for a campus room will have their details automatically placed on the waiting list and will continue to stay on the waiting list until a room is offered to you or you decide to cancel your application. We do try to meet preferences of accommodation where possible, however this cannot always be guaranteed and you may be offered an alternative. You are welcome to contact the Student Living Team to check on the progress of your application. 

Offers of accommodation will be made in accordance with the Accommodation Policy. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee when we will be able to offer campus rooms as we are dependent on rooms becoming available however we will contact you as soon as a suitable room comes up so it is important that you keep us up-to-date with your contact information if your contact details have changed please let us know.

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