Last Updated: Nov 21, 2023     Views: 6540

All applications for campus accommodation are submitted online. They can be accessed by visiting the Student Living HubThis will also be the site that you visit to review your application after you have submitted it and to accept any room offers that are made.

To be able to submit an online application you will need to create an account. You will be asked to enter your Brunel Student Number (this is the 7 digit number you will have been issued by Brunel University London), your date of birth and your family name. You will then be asked to confirm your email address and to create a password. If you are unable to create an account, please contact us by calling +44 (0)1895 267900 or email

Please ensure you have access to the email address for the duration of the summer period as all of your correspondence will be sent to this email account. If you would like to change the email address please readHow do I change my email address on the application form?’. Once you enrol at the University this account will be updated to your Brunel Account and remain as this during your time at Brunel.

You would only need to create an account once during your time at Brunel.

Please note the hub account is independent of eVision so these are not the same login details. 

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